


Department of Biotechnology [DBT], Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India


DeLCON: DBT-Electronic Library Consortium

DeLCON National Seminar (DNS-2013)

The First DeLCON National Seminar (DNS-2013) was held on 30th-31st January 2013 at Developing Library Network (DELNET), New Delhi. This program was organized by Dr. D. D. Lal, who was the organizing secretary of this DNS-2013 program. The DNS-2013 program theme was "Information Literacy in Promoting E-Resources, Preservation and Intellectual Property Rights". The inaugural session was started with lighting the lamp by dignitaries. The Chief Guest was Dr. T. Madhan Mohan (Adviser, DBT from Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology). Two Professors (Prof. Biplab Chakaraborty and Prof. Arbinda Maity) have invited from the University of Calcutta, Kolkata. The total participants were more than 100.
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