The Objectives of the DeLCON are :
- To Promote better, faster and more cost-effective ways of providing information resources to the officials at the consortia member institutions.
- To avoid duplication of subscription of Journals and E-resources and promote the rational use of funds by the consortia members.
- To ensure continuous subscription of e-resources and availability of these to the scientists working at the consortia member institutions.
- Better rates and terms for purchase of electronic journals
- Availability of a larger spectrum of journals to the DBT Institutions with lesser costs.
- To strengthen library resources and services and co-operation and communication amongst the member libraries.
- To strengthen the pooling, sharing and electronically accessing the library resources.
- To provide access to worldwide literature to users.
- To nucleate the culture of electronic access resulting into evolution of digital libraries.
- Efficient interlibrary loan system between the member institutions .